Sub: Quotation for design, printing and supply of Directory of Indian Cashew Exporters 2017-18
No. of copies : 1500 CD : 100 nos(with pouch & label) No. of pages : 225 approximately Overall size : Demy 1/8 (21.5 cms x 14 cms) Cover : Foreign Art Card 210 GSM Inside : 100 gsm glossy finish paper Binding : Perfect/Firm binding Proofing : Responsibility of the Press. Only final proof and layout will be finalised by the Council. Delivery : Within one week after final approval of the printing Matter failing which, the order is liable to be cancelled. You are requested to submit your lowest quotation including all taxes for (1) 1500 nos Hard copies and (2)100 nos CD on your Company’s Letterhead in a sealed cover superscribed as “Quotation for Printing Directory of Indian Cashew Exporters 2017-18” to reach the undersigned before 5.30 PM on 31st May 2018. You are also requested to provide a design/layout/format for the proposed Directory of Cashew Exporters along with your quotation and sample of inside and cover paper.
Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (S. Kannan) Executive Director & Secretary |
Sub: Expression of Interest for Execution of work of Multi Storeyed Building